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Vulnerable You: Stress Unscripted

Nov 20, 2019

"Suffering is not our stress. Estrangement is." -Ann Voskamp

Ericka discusses how stress causes a disconnect from God. Our stress comes when we decide that we must control all things. We focus on the problem instead of the Provider.

Learn the 3 ways you can better manage stress starting TODAY while reconnecting to...

Nov 13, 2019

Nicole Obenshine shares her personal journey through Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder (formerly known as postpartum depression). 

"As long as you are seeking help, you CAN get better" -Nicole Obenshine

Nov 5, 2019

By popular demand, Rebecca Hamlin, LCSW is back with me to discuss the difference and similarities between anxiety and overwhelm. 

Listen in as we share the ways to identify the difference, why is there an uprise in anxiety diagnoses, and practical ways to self-identify and cope. 

*this is not a substitution for medical...