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Vulnerable You: Stress Unscripted

Dec 27, 2019

Before you hit the "GO" button for 2020, listen to this episode to pause before setting those resolutions. Take time to rest and reflect so that you intentionally plan 2020. By focusing on the QUALITY of your new year, you decrease your stress and avoid burnout. 

Blogs on habits:

Dec 23, 2019

Cynthia Barnes is a woman on a mission. As a business owner teaching sales strategies, Cynthia was constantly on the go and felt the stress of non-stop life following her where she went. She shares the physical outcome of placing her business as a 24-7 priority. Cynthia's story of burnout (adrenal fatigue) is...

Dec 13, 2019

The holidays are especially exhausting. 
End of quarter, year-end tasks, holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years), travel, additional obligations and gatherings, less sleep, more junk food, way more alcohol, and less exercise. 
Stress is the ultimate energy and well-being killer. It activates your stress...

Dec 5, 2019

Holiday stress is paramount. Unrealistic expectations, striving for perfectionism, letting go of health as a priority, plus toxic relationships build the level of stress and anxiety creating a heavy burden on your body! 

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Dec 3, 2019

“You are not alone in your journey. Someone has been there before you. Seek out those who have learned a lesson to teach you." -Tisha Pelletier

As the president of Tisha Marie Enterprises, LLC and partner of Last Hour Media, Tisha empowers entrepreneurs to level up their brand.

She shares major lessons learned while...