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Vulnerable You: Stress Unscripted

Sep 20, 2019

Work-related stress is at an all-time high and progressing steadily. It has been estimated that 75-90% of patient visits to primary care practitioners are due to stress-related illness.* Stress and busy have become synonymous; while being touted as a badge of honor.

Ericka gives 5 sustainable methods to prevent burnout...

Sep 17, 2019

Sometimes you meet a person that reminds you just how GOOD our God is!! Kayshaun is that person for me! She shares her life of struggles, turmoil, and how changing her mindset made all the difference for her health, business, and relationships. 


Try her amazing body butter!

Sep 11, 2019

Ericka shares 3 critical lessons she learned by losing her dogs that are the foundation to stress management. Life can teach many lessons if you are looking...even in the trauma of losing a beloved pet (or pets!).

Revitalized Wellness is about to open! Click to join the waitlist!

Sep 3, 2019

Cha'Lea Stafford sits down with me to discuss her traumatic childhood and how she has managed an autoimmune disorder which is a result of Adverse Childhood Experiences. 

We walk through her journey of perfectionism, achievement, anger, hurt, and the need for chaos in her life. 

"The stress doesn't ever disappear. I had...