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Vulnerable You: Stress Unscripted

Aug 26, 2020

Author, Suzanne Eller, is back with me on the podcast to discuss her newest book, Joykeeper. 

As we navigate these unchartered waters of COVID-19, it can feel difficult to find joy in the middle of stress. What if joy was always there but we needed a new perspective? What if joy has nothing to do with circumstances but...

Aug 19, 2020

Bonnie Golden joins me this week to discuss the impact of stress on the body and how to use yoga to diminish internal inflammation. She shares how her book "Yoga for Holistic Healing" is perfect for all levels and abilities.



Aug 12, 2020

A majority of people who are wanting change won’t make the change because they are fearful. They get stressed out at the possibility of change instead of seeing it as an opportunity for growth. 

As a health and stress management coach, I see this frequently.

As a business owner and HUMAN, I experience...

Aug 5, 2020

What if we could change the world--truly change it--and create a successful company in the process? What if our ideas could be excellent in terms of brilliance and purpose and also present amazing opportunities to profit?

In my conversation with the author, Brock Shinen, he draws from his work as a legal expert and...