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Vulnerable You: Stress Unscripted

Aug 10, 2021

Bonnie Golden is back to discuss the stress of aging and how we can have grace and a better perspective about the inevitable aging process. 

Listen to my last interview with Bonnie (Stress & Yoga) here:

Read Bonnie's blog here:

Jul 16, 2021

Every day we are bombarded with messages of what our bodies should look like, what we should or shouldn't be eating, and the exercise we should be doing to earn our food.

Join Licensed Therapist, Erica Walecka, and I for an important conversation on the stress of diet culture, eating disorders, body shame & how to break...

Jun 15, 2021

Have you ever considered the mindset you have and why you feel excited, overwhelmed, stressed, or happy? 

Getting curious about your life and the thoughts driving it is important! If you love your Fridays but stumble through the rest of the week, you need to listen! 


Apr 28, 2021

Today, I have Donald Kelly "THE Sales Evangelist" join me as he talks about sales, stress, and the expensive lessons of not managing stress or asking for help. Donald is a leader in the sales industry, he is my mentor and coach, and someone I respect greatly. 

You will love his candor, humor, and willingness to...